- Categoria: Rap Americano
Nuovi dettagli sull'album Blueprint 3 Jay-Z

La storica trilogia Blueprint si chiuderà con un album in uscita l'11 Settembre. Jay-Z, per l'occasione, sta facendo le cose in grande... e il suo concetto di 'grande' equivale al nostro concetto di 'stratosferico'. Tutto pare pronto: il secondo estratto Run This Town fa incetta di ascolti e di posti in classifica, le collaborazioni vedono ai primi posti i 'ragazzi prodigio' Drake, Mr. Hudson e Kid Cudi. A seguire cover e tracklist.
The Blueprint 3 (11 Settembre 2009 )
01. What We Talking About (Produced by Kanye West)
02. D.O.A. (Produced by No I.D.)
03. Weigh Me Down Feat. Kid Cudi (Produced by Kanye West)
04. Unforgiven (Produced by Kanye West, Additional Production: MGMT)
05. Run This Town Feat. Rihanna & Kanye West (Produced by Kanye West)
06. Empire State Of Mind Feat. Nas (Produced by Kanye West & No I.D.)
07. When It Comes To This (Produced by Timbaland)
08. Always Feat. Drake (Produced by Kanye West)
09. Scenes From The Past (Produced by No I.D., Co-produced by Kanye West)
10. Everyday A Star Is Born Feat. Mr. Hudson (Produced by Kanye West)
11. Already Home (Produced by Kanye West)
12. Forever Young Feat. Mr. Hudson (Produced by Kanye West)
13. Thank You (Produced by No I.D.)
14. Sound Of The 70s (Produced by Kanye West)
15. We Made History (Produced by Kanye West)